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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> How to lock a Window on 2. Monitor
Jaconall   2020-12-30 00:05
I wonder, how can I lock an app (Sensorpanel from aida64) to the second monitor, also if the resolution changes on the FIRST(!) Monitor?
Changing the Resolution on Monitor 1 will move also all Windows on the second Monitor away.
The odd is: Sensorpanel is not a "Window".
The Process for this app is running.
The resolution on Mon1 will change e. g. during gaming.

Regards, Jay
Christian Studer   2020-12-31 06:08
You could do this with a custom script, but I tested with the AIDA64 sensor panel and UltraMon can't move it, my guess would be that the application prevents moving/resizing of the window (even if panel position/size aren't locked).

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> How to lock a Window on 2. Monitor

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