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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Screen capture on mirroring screen not visible
MihaK   2021-02-14 21:55
Pressing Shift-Win-S enables screen capture in Windows 10 - screen gets a dark overlay, mouse pointer changes to a crossbar and allows selection of the screen to capture.

Except it doesn't work on the mirrored screen - when Ctrl-Win-S is pressed, the screen freezes (including the last position of the mouse pointer) and user has to do the screen selection 'blind'. Capture still works and after releasing the left mouse button, everything is back to normal...
Christian Studer   2021-02-15 01:51
Which version of Windows 10 are you using? This also works fine for me, on a 3-monitor system mirroring the primary (#1) to #3, selecting the capture area on monitor 1 works normally.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Screen capture on mirroring screen not visible

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