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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Won't Open on Windows 10
Andrew Fant   2021-03-14 13:34
I'm running Windows 10 Pro Version 2004. Just installed Ultramon. I see the buttons on my browser, and it's working - but I can't get the program to open. Is there a trick to getting the main window to open? Thanks!
Andrew Fant   2021-03-14 13:52
Note: I also don't see the icon in my tool bar.
Christian Studer   2021-03-14 14:53
UltraMon adds an icon to the system tray (the area of the main taskbar next to the clock), right-clicking this icon will open the main UltraMon menu.

If you don't see the icon it may be hidden, to show it click on the little triangle on the left side of the system tray, or right-click the taskbar, select Taskbar Settings from the menu, then scroll down to Notification Area and click on 'Select which icons appear on the taskbar'.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Won't Open on Windows 10

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