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lightningjack 2021-04-09 18:21
Hi ultramon friends,
I've recently started using this software, and launching via shortcuts on some programs (eg spotify) works as expected (Window > Show:Maximised > on:Monitor2) though when I follow the same logic with chrome the window seems to launch on a random screen.
Chrome Launch command "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 9" /new-window ""
Is this a known issue please? I'd love to get this working so appreciate any help on this please.
Lightning Jack
Christian Studer 2021-04-10 14:31
You'll get this with applications where the window opens in a different process from the one which gets started by the shortcut.
For Chrome you could use the MultiInstanceChromeEdgeFirefox script, to set this up open it in a text editor, then change the first 6 lines as follows:
Const BROWSER = "Chrome"
SITES = Array("")
WND_CAPTIONS = Array("Google")
MONITORS = Array(2)
Christian Studer -
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