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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Cloning broken after display sleep mode in W10
Jérémy   2021-06-07 09:13
By default my displays go to sleep after 10 min. When I move the mouse the display that was formerly flipped-cloned is in the extend mode (unflipped).

The primary (source) display is flickering, windows are showing twice once flipped once normal. The mouse leaves traces.

When I hit the windows key the start menu opens and flickering stops. I can then log out and log in again and the problem is gone.

How to avoid this?
Christian Studer   2021-06-07 16:47
Do you have the latest UltraMon version, 3.4.1? For me this works fine on Windows 10 version 21H1.

Christian Studer -
Jérémy   2021-06-07 23:23
I use Ultramon 3.4.1. Windows was 20H2 but after an upgrade to 21H1 nothing changed.
Jérémy   2021-06-07 23:48
I think it has to to with wake-up speed. The primary display takes about half a second longer to wake up than the flipped display.

When I define the flipped, faster display as the primary and clone the slower one the issue does not occur.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Cloning broken after display sleep mode in W10

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