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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> How to flip only one of two monitors
John Hansen   2021-06-21 04:16
I have two monitors, 1 and 2. I would like to flip only on of the two monitors. Is there a specific set of instructions to explain this?
What I seem to find is that I may only flip a monitor if it has been 'mirrored' or duplicated by UltraMon. I seem to be unable to flip Monitor 2 without going through the 'Mirror' menu.

John Hansen
Christian Studer   2021-06-21 13:37
That's not supported, UltraMon can only flip a monitor who is mirroring another monitor.

Christian Studer -
John Hansen   2021-06-21 17:37
Is that technology to flip one of two monitors possible as an additional feature in UtraMon? Is there another solution that would allow me to use two monitors for different software with only one of them flipped? The current method that requires me to have a monitor 'mirrored' requires me to own two monitors but only see the same desktop and software on both at the same time.

John Hansen
John Hansen   2021-06-21 17:55
Would it be possible to use a dummy monitor and mirror that monitor and then flip it? This would mean I would have three monitors attached. Two real monitors and one dummy? What limits a computer to two monitors? What hardware or configuration changes are needed to run three monitors?

John Hansen
Christian Studer   2021-06-22 02:45
Currently I don't see a way to only flip a monitor, you would probably need a display driver which supports this, but I'm not aware of any which do.

To use 3 monitors you would need a video card which supports this, or you could install a second video card for the 3rd monitor.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> How to flip only one of two monitors

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