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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar for Windows 11 ... UltraMon may become much more relevant again.
Michael Burkey   2021-06-28 13:52
Based on the new Taskbar customization options for Windows 11 (or rather the lack thereof) and the inability to have non-grouped programs on the taskbar, good multi-monitor taskbar replacement software may become a very useful thing in the near future. The existing second monitor taskbar code in UltraMon might be a very good starting point for such an endeavor.

This is basically a query if such a task has even been thought of.
Christian Studer   2021-06-28 15:19
Haven't looked at Windows 11 yet, but will keep this in mind.

Christian Studer -
Niels   2021-10-15 11:52
Yeah, Windows 11 version would be much welcome. one thing that bothers me the most is not having a clock on each taskbar. When playing a game in full screen, I can't see what time it is on my second monitor anymore. Maybe UltraMon can have a solution here.
BRETT   2021-11-14 10:46
Using UltraMon with Windows 11.
Extended monitor Taskbars do not automatically 'pop' up without a 'right click' first.

Christian Studer   2021-11-16 03:04
Is the taskbar hidden behind open windows on the secondary monitor?

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2021-11-16 03:41
Brett, I have now tested with autohide enabled for the taskbar, seems to be a Windows 11 issue, I also see this behavior without UltraMon running.

Christian Studer -
QDeath   2021-11-20 17:27
Remove start button from secondary monitor does not work either
Christian Studer   2021-11-21 09:24
I'm seeing that as well, will look into this for the next release.

Christian Studer -
meir grunhut   2022-02-18 07:39
are you planning to come out with an update for Windows 11?

Meir Grunhut
Christian Studer   2022-02-18 14:58
There will be a release later this year, but so far I haven't seen many issues with 3.4.1 on Windows 11.

Christian Studer -
Gary Mugford   2022-07-19 09:35

Don't know if this is even within UltraMon's capabilities, but I am running 4K monitors at full rez and using a single toolbar on the Primary Monitor. The Taskbar SysTray icons look to be the small icons, maybe 24, but more likely 22. And it would not shock me if you replied that they were 16x16 pixels!!

Any chance we elderly folks can have more control? Anything you could do in this year's update would be greatly appreciated.
Christian Studer   2022-07-21 03:42
Changing the text size for the monitors should also increase icon size, you can do this via UltraMon menu > Windows Display Properties, under Scale and Layout change the Size of Text setting.

Christian Studer -
Albert   2023-02-13 11:37
I don't plan on moving to Windows 11 because they took away vertical taskbar support. DUMB DUMB DUMB of Microsoft!

If there's ever a new release of Ultramon that supports vertical taskbars then it could be very well received.

Albert Wiersch
CSS HTML Validator
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar for Windows 11 ... UltraMon may become much more relevant again.

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