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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Teleprompter help
Teleprompte   2021-07-10 07:37
Hi guys, hoping you can help. I have two monitors and I want to extend my desktop and just mirror (horizontally) that desktop on monitor 2. Ultramon looks like it can only take the main monitor and mirror that to the secondary. Is that true? There is no way to take the secondary monitor, treat it as a separate monitor/desktop and horizontally mirror that one?

Christian Studer   2021-07-12 08:07
UltraMon can't do this, it can only flip a monitor during mirroring.

Christian Studer -
TR   2022-04-21 18:32
Is this something you could add in a future version? Or is there some underlying support missing from Windows? I can't be the only one using a teleprompter who wishes this were possible.
Christian Studer   2022-04-22 15:07
I don't think that's possible, you would probably need a display driver which supports this, but I'm not aware of any which do.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Teleprompter help

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