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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Full Screen 'Firefox/Edge/Brave/Chrome' across multiple Monitors
Chris   2021-07-16 10:25
Hello, I'm trying to span a browser other then IE across 3 touchscreen monitors and make it full screen. I used the IE script without issues but cannot get the FirefoxDesktopMaximized script to work. I tried adjusting the delays but no luck.

It opens the browser and sets the URL but nothing after that. Do you have any updates or suggestions?

Firefox Version 90.0 64-bit
MS Edge Version 91.0.864.70 64-bit
Brave 1.26.74 Chromium 91.0.4472.124 64-bit


Christian Studer   2021-07-17 02:32
I've seen this as well with recent versions of Firefox and Chrome, the fullscreen window can't be resized, also doesn't work if you switch the browser to fullscreen, then use UltraMon's Maximize to Desktop hotkey.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Full Screen 'Firefox/Edge/Brave/Chrome' across multiple Monitors

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