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John Hansen 2021-07-18 12:36
I am setting up a 'teleprompter' for use with Zoom. I will not be using any 'teleprompter' software that would be able to be reversed or flipped. I want to use UltraMon to display the desktop or Zoom Meeting or other software in my "teleprompter' inverted (top to bottom) because this is how the monitor is most easily installed. And while doing this, my cursor (mouse pointer) is not displayed properly by UltraMon. The cursor appears inverted. When I select "don't mirror the mouse pointer" (I call it a cursor) the cursor is not displayed at all. It becomes transparent.
What I want to see is my monitor displayed in a beam splitter mirror as though everything including the cursor (the mouse pointer) exactly as though I were looking at my primary monitor without any mirror.
Is there an UltraMon setting that will accomplish what I an trying to do?
John Hansen
Christian Studer 2021-07-19 15:42
I'll look into this for a future release, currently this isn't suppported, the cursor/mouse pointer doesn't get flipped.
Christian Studer -
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