Mrcos 2021-12-31 17:04
UltraMon has been abandoned?
UltraMon wanted to buy the full version but the last version released was in 2018
Christian Studer 2022-01-03 02:59
Not really, but 3.4.1 still works fine on Windows 10 version 21H2 and also Windows 11 from what I've seen so far.
There will be a new release later this year.
Christian Studer -
Mike 2022-01-07 08:50
Will this new version support different screen savers on different multiple monitors?
If, not, I'll be moving to something else.
I've been using and supporting ultramon for more than a decade, this feature is way overdue.
Christian Studer 2022-01-07 13:05
Do you mean slideshows, with each monitor showing a different slideshow?
There's no built-in support for this, and the Photos screen saver included with Windows doesn't work correctly with UltraMon. Otherwise you can run a different screen saver on each monitor via UltraMon.
To run multiple slideshows I would recommend something like gPhotoShow.
Christian Studer -
Marcos 2022-12-05 16:00
we are already at the end of 2022 and no version is being released and I almost bought it when he said there would be one in 2021
Anonymity 2022-12-11 02:25
The last version 3.4.1 do not work on Windows 10 2H22, the software stop immediately before run.
Christian Studer 2022-12-12 02:29
What's the error message you get? Works fine for me on Windows 10 version 22H2.
Christian Studer -
Theo van Soest 2022-12-15 03:42
Due to a failed bios-upgrade I made an unplanned move to Windows 11. I get the impression that not all settings in UltraMon are maintained well. After a Windows update UltraMon had forgotten about preference for a separate taskbar on the second monitor.
Christian Studer 2022-12-15 16:00
UltraMon can change taskbar settings, but doesn't enforce them, if another application or Windows changes a setting you'll need to change it back manually.
Christian Studer -
Michael 2022-12-22 01:25
Any plans for a new version of UltraMon? Thnx
pepe 2023-01-13 16:29
After a Windows 11 update, UltraMon does NOT hide start button on the second monitorĀ“s taskbar. Any fix?
Christian Studer 2023-01-14 04:06
This doesn't work with 3.4.1, I'll look into this for the next release, but am not sure yet if a fix is possible.
Christian Studer -
Adam Connor 2023-10-13 12:17
Waiting to see if ultramon releases a Windows 11-compatible version.
I would be OK with it being a new release and requiring an upgrade. As it is, it seems like a defunct software product.
dorkydev 2023-10-28 17:24
It already works with with windows 11, what are you talking about, there's no really big difference between 10 or 11. Unlike trying to compare XP to 8 there are differences there. But with the price being so high, I can see why they've died. Time to lower prices or kiss it all goodbye.
Kevin Neufeld 2023-12-17 16:37
I also have a paid version of Ultramon from years ago. I absolutely love it. It still amazes me that Microsoft still hasn't caught up with proper multi-monitor management in Windows.
But to report, it's correct that the "remove Start Button from secondary taskbars" no longer works in Windows 11. This worked beautifully in Windows 10.
Looking forward to a Windows 11 update.
Another Theo 2024-01-09 01:24
Shame... I think Ultrmon is the best one around...I too am on windows 11... It would be good to have a fresh Win11 version for sure.... Im in for a new licence if need be....Let me know when its built
Forgarn 2024-01-19 11:30
I would say that with no update to the software since 2018, and there being several problems with the software working on Windows 11, we can safely say that it has been abandoned. So much so that I have had to go find a different software for my monitor management needs. Wish I could have continued to use this, but I needed something that worked and couldn't wait for them to figure it our. Sorry!!
Dave 2024-11-04 08:17
I think it would be really good for Christian to release an updated version, even with just minor changes. It does not look good to prospective buyers that the last update was 2018, gives the appearance of the application being abandoned.
Is a new version coming?
EricC1001 2024-12-12 00:32
I haven't tested it on Windows 11 yet but I would hardly call it "defunct" because it's not updated every 5 minutes like Windows. It's not his fault if an update turns off a setting like taskbar on 2nd screen. Windows wants you to use Windows their way and updates routinely undo things you did based on preference. The registry and group policy editor has removed or stopped reading most entries related to the taskbar. He can't simply "update it to remove the start button on the second screen". It would be a primitive hack like putting a jpeg of your taskbar over the button so you dont see it. Or stretching the bar to extend out of bounds of your screen so the button is out of reach. It does seem like it's not actively developed but if it works it works. You should be proud he wrote an app that has lasted through 5 versions of Windows without them critically breaking it, not crying you dont have a daily blog of patchnotes like *insertGenZoverPatchedSoftwareNameHere*
James Weissman 2025-03-10 11:58
Ultramon is fantastic and the fact hat is has remained operational since 2018 should be boasted about, not lamented. An update or new version would be cool. I would pay to keep it working smooth as I barely remember Windows without it!!!
James Weissman
Carmelo 2025-03-13 03:28
so there will ever be an update?