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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Task Bar Not Mirroring
Hereandthere   2022-03-22 01:18
Windows 7 64bit Pro and latest build Ultramon

Smart Taskbar - Unclicked - I see a blank task bar on the second monitor - whichever monitor I select as No1 or No2.

If I then select 'Mirror taskbar' and click 'Use Smart Taskbar' all open applications show on BOTH taskbars. Why only the open applications show on the second monitor task bar?

Can the entire original task bar with the start button, clock, etc be copied onto the second monitor task bar as well as the open applications?
Hereandthere   2022-03-22 09:36
I have a had a google on other multi monitor programs and see this program does what I want. It mirrors the essential items from the original task bar, clock, start etc and allows each monitor's task bar to then show that monitor's unique individual running tasks.

Is there a fix available for the Ultramon program -which I have bought - to make it function as described above?
Christian Studer   2022-03-22 14:34
UltraMon doesn't support adding the clock, start button etc to secondary taskbars.

Christian Studer -
Herandthere   2022-03-23 08:09
Thank you Christain - I didn't know that. I have uninstalled Ultramon and received this error:

Windows Installer removed the product. Product Name: UltraMon. Product Version: 3.4.1. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Realtime Soft AG. Removal success or error status: 1603.

Do I need to do something?
Christian Studer   2022-03-23 15:32
Is UltraMon still listed under Control Panel > Programs and Features?

Christian Studer -
Herandthere   2022-03-24 07:07
No The program is not listed anywhere, event log says this

Level Error
Keywords Classic
Product UltraMon Error 1730. You must be an Administrator to remove this application. To remove this application, you can log on as an Administrator, or contact your technical support group for assistance
Christian Studer   2022-03-24 13:52
I would check if the installation folder has been removed, C:\Program Files\UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Hereandthere   2022-03-25 05:14
OK - All gone and Good Luck to you.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Task Bar Not Mirroring

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