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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Can't get buttons on Adobe Acrobat DC
Goosefetaher   2022-04-14 05:00
I've tried Forcing Window Buttons, and Use Alternative Method but can't get buttons to appear in Acrobat Reader.
Pretty sure can't get them in Acrobat Pro on my work PC.
Any suggestions welcome

Christian Studer   2022-04-14 17:14
With the latest release, 2022.001.20117, of both Acrobat Reader and Pro, 'use alternative method to add window buttons' works fine for me on Windows 10.

What should work fine with all earlier releases is to disable protected mode in Acrobat, to do this go to Acrobat menu > Edit and select Preferences, then select Security (Enhanced) and uncheck 'Enable Protected Mode at startup'.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Can't get buttons on Adobe Acrobat DC

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