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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 3.4.1 Crashes with new RTX 3070
Mike   2022-06-02 18:37
I upgraded my video board from an RTX 2070 Super to an RTX 3070 and now when start ultramon I get the following error:

Ultramon Desktop encountered a fatal error and will exit.

Version: 3.4.1
OS: 10.0 ver 009 x64
Source File: WallpaperDesigner.cpp
Line: 70
Return value: -2147286789
Last error: 0
Mike   2022-06-02 18:45
I reset all of my wallpaper and the problem has gone away.
Christian Studer   2022-06-04 14:57
The error you got means that the wallpaper profile file has become corrupted, when UltraMon starts it checks if the wallpaper needs to be refreshed for the current display configuration, if reading the profile fails you'll get this error.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 3.4.1 Crashes with new RTX 3070

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