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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Clone to smaller touchscreen monitor
Chris   2022-11-30 09:09
Display 1 - 4K UHD Projector (2880x2160 @60hz)
Display 2 - Touchscreen Monitor (1366x768 @60hz)

Using UltraMon, is there a way that I would be able to play a game from the projector and clone it to the 1366x768 monitor to be able to select in-game options using the touchscreen.

I'm searching for a software solution first before looking at a new monitor or IR touch kit.

Appreciate any and all help!
Christian Studer   2022-11-30 12:23
Cloning would work fine, but you can't use the touch screen as input gets sent to UltraMon instead of the actual application.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Clone to smaller touchscreen monitor

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