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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Position x,y Of Secondary Moniitor
Quick Death   2023-05-10 13:37
Can Ultramon the check position of a secondary monitor and if not move it to a desired x,y coordinate? Can this be done via a VBS script?
Christian Studer   2023-05-11 15:31
That's possible, could be done via script or you could apply a display profile with the desired monitor arrangement. What would work better for you?

Christian Studer -
Quick Death   2023-05-12 08:20
I thought maybe a VBS script. A display profile seems interesting, How do I set that up and automate?
Christian Studer   2023-05-12 15:49
Would you only need to check the position at startup?

If yes, a display profile should work fine, to set this up go to UltraMon menu > Display Profiles > New Display Profile, configure settings as desired and on the last page check the option 'apply this display profile when logging in'.

Christian Studer -
Quick Death   2023-05-12 15:52
Need to check during day as well. Maybe hourly?
Christian Studer   2023-05-15 04:10
I have uploaded a script which does this: ApplyProfile

To set this up, first create a display profile with the desired settings, then open the script in a text editor and set PROFILE_NAME on line 1 to the name of the display profile, and INTERVAL on line 5 to 60, this way the script will apply the profile every 60 minutes.

Christian Studer -
Quick Death   2023-05-15 06:17
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Position x,y Of Secondary Moniitor

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