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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Display Profiles Changing On Their Own
shhhpark   2023-12-19 15:03
Hi All,

So I currently have a 4 monitor setup. 2 bottomo and 2 stop displays. I normally have specific monitors disabled/enabled depending on what I'm working on. For some reasono my display profiles keep changing on their own. For example, one of my profiles I have and L shape for my home computer displays (top left, bottom left and bottom right) while my top right will be reserved for my work laptop. Whenever I try to enable this L profile, the top display will be flipped where the top left monitor will be replaced with what should be the top right (disabled) monitor for my main computer. At first I thought I made a mistake and saved the incorrect display settings for this profile but it's happened another 10+ times where I'll fully delete all my profiles and remake them. Even tried making the display profiles read only so they cant be changed but it still happens. I pretty much stopped using ultramon years ago due to this issue but seems like it's not resolved still. I cant be the only one having this issue right?!
Christian Studer   2023-12-20 19:32
Do the display profiles work fine initially?

For example you create a profile for the L-shaped 3-monitor configuration, then switch to primary monitor only, then apply the 3-monitor profile, does that work?

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Display Profiles Changing On Their Own

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