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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> How to install licensing info in an unattended way?
dma   2024-09-09 04:26
I'm wondering how one can install the product's licensing without any user interaction. Is there an option for that?

Thanks in advance,
Christian Studer   2024-09-09 16:29
You can pass the registration information to msiexec when running setup:

msiexec /i <setupfile> USERNAME="<registeredTo>" PIDKEY=<regCode>

Christian Studer -
dma   2024-09-10 03:13
Thank you! That worked like a charm.

Can you give me also a hint how to install specific settings (mirroring) in an unattended fashion?
It seems like UltraMon is storing its settings in the registry, doesn't it? At least I haven't noticed any settings file in %ProgramData%

My requirement is:
- retrieve the mirroring settings from a "master" system
- create an unattended instalation which will also import UltraMon's proper settings.
dma   2024-09-10 03:16
Installation needs to be fully silent, i.e. like msiexec /qn
Christian Studer   2024-09-10 17:50
Mirroring settings are stored in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>\Mirroring, you could export the key to a .reg file and then import that as part of setup by running regedit.exe:

regedit.exe /s <regFile>

You can pass the /qn switch to msiexec together with the other arguments:

msiexec /i <setupfile> /qn USERNAME="<registeredTo>" PIDKEY=<regCode>

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2024-09-10 17:53
The only issue is that settings are stored per user, so you would need to run regedit under the user's account.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> How to install licensing info in an unattended way?

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