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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> REQ: Stay on Top Feature
Jason Gomez   2005-08-11 06:53

It would be great if Ultramon could incorporate a "Stay On Top" optional addon to the window right click taskbar menus.

At the moment I have to use a seperate program to do this, but it would be better if Ultramon could do all my window management.
Christian Studer   2005-08-11 08:35
Thanks for the suggestion, will be considered for UltraMon 3.

Christian Studer -
Rainer Hartl   2013-03-27 16:45
Dear UltraMonitor Developers ...

I also request this feature.
Just because there is only one request, does not mean only one person wants it. And if you'd asked all your regd. users, I am sure 99% would welcome such a feature; even for a small fee.
We all want it and need it.
Can you please implement with version 3.2.2.

Christian Studer   2013-03-28 08:46
With UltraMon 3.1.0 and later you could do this via hotkey and the AlwaysOnTop script.

Christian Studer -
Rainer Hartl   2013-03-28 09:45
Thanks Christian, and can you please elaborate on the steps (or where to find the instructions) settings up such script/Hotkey.
I have created a batch file (*.bat) with the script and assigned Hotkey, but how is it window specific and I assume the script is 'toggle' mode?
Christian Studer   2013-03-29 02:51
You don't need a batch file, just place the script into a folder of your choice, then create a 'Run application or script' hotkey via UltraMon Options > Hotkeys and set it to run the AlwaysOnTop.vbs script.

Pressing the hotkey will then toggle the active window's always on top status.

Christian Studer -
David   2013-04-01 10:22
I would like this feature as well.

Currently I use I use a separate program called PowerMenu.
Ian   2014-11-27 03:23
I have a problem with the AlwaysOnTop.vbs script. When I press the hotkey associated with running 'cscript //B C:\path\to\AlwaysOnTop.vbs' the active window appears to be pushed to the back of the Z-order instead of keeping it on top. If I then click the window I intended to be kept on top it does not stay on top and is still behaving normally.

As I previously have been using a program called AlwaysOnTopMaker to do this could that be interfering? It is unloaded so it shouldn't cause this problem. Any ideas?
Christian Studer   2014-11-27 14:46
The problem is due to using the console script engine, cscript.exe, using the GUI version instead (wscript.exe) will fix the problem:

wscript.exe <script>

You can also enter only the path and name of the script, by default it will then get executed by wscript.exe.

Christian Studer -
Ian   2014-11-28 07:44
Ah I've worked out what I was doing wrong. No quotes around the folder name and it had spaces in it. Switched to wscript as well, like you say the console one did not work. Thanks.
Tom   2015-03-03 06:03
Using TurboTop, great little piece of software to manage "on top" window placement. If UltraMon had this it would be perfect.
Robbedoes   2015-11-06 02:55
This seems to be no longer functioning (Windows 7, Ultramon 3.3.0).
The script is run (verified by using a MsgBox), the value of AlwaysOnTop property is toggled (displayed within the MsgBox...), but:
- It seems that when calling the script for the first time, the value is set to False...
- When the value is set (True) the current active window does NOT stay on top.


Christian Studer   2015-11-06 13:42
With what application do you have this issue?

For me this works fine, I tested with Calculator on 64-bit Windows 7, using UltraMon 3.3.0.

Christian Studer -
Robbedoes   2015-11-09 03:24
I tried with Outlook at first.
But it does not seem to function with any application. As I described, I tried to find out if the script was called at all by adding a msgbox dialog.

My Windows is a 64-bit version too.
I tried calc, and this was also unsuccessful.

Robbedoes   2015-11-09 03:27
Forgot to mention: the script is actually called...
(See my previous message for the results.)

Christian Studer   2015-11-09 13:38
Not sure what might cause this, did you notice if the script stopped working after installing new software?

Christian Studer -
Robbedoes   2015-11-23 03:23
I don't know when it stopped.
I used it before, but I don't use it much.
Now I wanted to, but discovered it didn't work anymore ...

Christian Studer   2015-11-23 14:10
Do you have security software installed which might prevent UltraMon from making the window topmost, or maybe a video card utility or similar software which might interfere with this?

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> REQ: Stay on Top Feature

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