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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Primary Taskbar on wrong monitor
scottla   2006-05-12 15:28
I've run Ultramon for a while and have not had this problem...

I rebooted recently and the primary toolbar which used to show up on the left monitor now is on the right. This has the effect of putting the "Start" button in the middle of the screens, not in the lower lefthand corner, where I want it.

I can switch the "smart-enabled" taskbars from one screen to the other by grabbing them with the mouse, putting the start button back where it was, but then the tasks open on the LEFT screen show up on the RIGHT taskbar and vice versa.

How can I fix this?
scottla   2006-05-12 16:10
Found prior post about the "Show Tasks From>" feature that comes up when you right-click the smart taskbar. This was set backwards. I changed it from monitor 2 to monitor 1 and this solved the issue.

NOTE: It's possible to have both "checked", at which point all apps show up on that task bar regardless of what monitor they're on. Be sure to independently check and uncheck what you want!
Gene   2006-05-26 14:22
You should just be able to unlock the primary tasbar and drag it over to the monitor you want. This will make the ultramon taskbar appear above the primary, just unlock the ultramon bar and you will see a small triangle appear in the corner, use this to drag the taskbar over to the other monitor. Then (if you wish) lock the taskbars back up.
Tom   2006-07-30 10:37
Thank for for this fix! After having messed with new video driver settings, my Smart Taskbar was displaying the apps from the other monitor. I was going crazy trying to figure it out!
Mark   2010-11-15 14:08
Thanks... right click and change smart taskbar 'Show tasks from' and changing monitor worked for me! Was losing my mind with everything backwards for no apparent reason:)
Chris   2013-04-17 02:09
thank you!
Patrick   2014-03-18 21:25
Gene you are a scholar ant a gentleman.

I tip my hot to you sir.

That was really pissing me off.
Ray Thomasson   2015-11-17 18:44
I have Windows 10 and Ultramon version 3.3.0 and I have a strange problem. I have Ultramon set up to show tasks only from the monitor it is on. Here is where it gets strange. I can run Excel, and the task shows up on the proper monitor, until, and only until, I open another spreadsheet at the same time. Then it will move the task icon for Excel to my main monitor. Closing one of the Excel spreadsheets doesn't correct the problem. If I close BOTH spreadsheets and then open just one, it will again show up on the proper monitor. Again, this only stays like this until I open another spreadsheet.

This problem seems to be isolated to Excel alone. I can open several Word documents, or two instances of Outlook and nothing happens to the icons. It is only when I open multiple spreadsheets on Excel (2007) that this happens.

Does anybody have any suggestions? This is confusing the heck out of me.

Ray Thomasson
Christian Studer   2015-11-18 13:17
Ray, that's probably a bug in Windows, on Windows 8 and later UltraMon uses the built-in multi-monitor taskbar.

The issue is most likely related to Excel 2007, I'm not seeing this problem with Excel 2016.

Christian Studer -
Ray Thomasson   2015-11-20 00:53
Okay, thanks. Any idea how to do a work-around?

Ray Thomasson
Christian Studer   2015-11-20 10:20
I'm not aware of a workaround, and also doubt that this would be possible, would probably need to be fixed by Microsoft.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Primary Taskbar on wrong monitor

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