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Michael Khalili 2008-06-15 01:09
I have hotkeys setup to move the current window to the next/previous window. My monitors are out of order (From left to right they are 2,1,4,3) Sometimes when a window opens on screen 3 and I try to move it over to the left screen it jumps to screen 2 instead of screen 4 like it should. Most times it does it correctly, ignoring the real monitor number and going to the logically addressed monitor to the left.
I saw this same behavior in both version 2.7 and 3.0.2 beta. 2.7 was on XP and 3.0.2 is on Vista.
Christian Studer 2008-06-15 09:41
If you move the window back to the original monitor, then move it again with the hotkey, does the window get moved to the wrong monitor again? Or does this only happen once?
Christian Studer -
Adi Inbar 2014-09-05 11:51
I find that the monitor order for the "Move to next/previous monitor" hotkeys is determined automatically based on the positioning of the monitors rather than by the monitor numbers, which is very frustrating because it forces me to arrange the monitors in undesirable ways in order to get the right order.
The following diagram represents the arrangement of my monitors and the numbers assigned to them:
-------------- | | |--------|| 4 | | || | --------| |-------------- | 1 || |-------------- | || 2 || | --------| || 3 | | || | | |-------------- |--------|
#1 is the laptop's LCD. #2 is the primary monitor, in portrait mode. The Y position of #3 is 585, meaning that it's top edge is 585 pixels down from #2's top edge. The vertical resolution of #4 is 1200, so in order to position it directly above #3, the Y position should be -615 (585 - 1200 = -615).
However, if I set #4's Y position anywhere between -615 and -744, #4 is considered the "next" monitor after #2 for the purposes of the hotkeys, i.e. "Move to next monitor" moves windows in this order: 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 3. "Move to previous monitor" moves windows in the reverse order, i.e from 3 to 4 (instead of 2) and from 4 to 2 (instead of 3).
If I want to have windows move in the order I want (where #3 is between #2 and #4, rather than #4 between #2 and #3), I have to set the Y position of #4 at -745 or lower. The problem with that is that it creates a 130 pixel gap between #3 and #4, which makes it difficult to move the mouse up and down between those monitors. If I move the mouse quickly, it jumps the gap, but if I move it at a normal pace, it gets stuck at the edge of the monitor (either at the top edge of #3 on the way up, or at the bottom edge of #4 on the way down).
Note that originally the top right monitor was #3 and the bottom right monitor was #4. I swapped the numbers hoping that it would change the order for moving windows, but UltraMon ignores the numbers and determines its own order.
Not only is it not possible to control the order (given a certain positioning of the monitors), UltraMon makes illogical decisions about the automatically determined order. In the configuration described above, it seems to have a bias for clockwise movement, considering #4 "next" to #2 even when it is halfway offset from #2 whereas #3 is entirely next to #2 and almost in the middle.
I'm not sure whether this is a bug report or a feature request, but either way, it should be changed such that the hotkeys that move to the next/previous monitor follow the numbered order, enabling the user to control that.
Adi Inbar 2014-09-05 12:17
Unfortunately the diagram was mangled because all the spaces were removed. View the following in a font (for example, copy it to a Notepad window) and it will display properly. The 0's are background.
000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000--------------00 00000000000000000000|444444444444|00 00000000000000000000|444444444444|00 0000000000|--------||444444444444|00 0000000000|22222222||444444444444|00 00--------|22222222|--------------00 00|111111||22222222|--------------00 00|111111||22222222||333333333333|00 00|111111||22222222||333333333333|00 00--------|22222222||333333333333|00 0000000000|22222222||333333333333|00 0000000000|22222222|--------------00 0000000000|--------|0000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000
Christian Studer 2014-09-05 12:20
This is by design, but you could do this with the MoveActiveWndNextMon script, let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.
Christian Studer -
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