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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon and VLC media player
Joseph   2008-10-18 01:35
I posted in their forum: that the programs minimize to tray feature doesn't work when Ultramon (at least for me) is on. Could you look into this?

Joseph :)
Christian Studer   2008-10-18 03:07
Which version of UltraMon are you using?

Christian Studer -
Joseph   2008-10-18 16:51
Version 3.0.1 (3.0 Beta 2)

Joseph :)
Christian Studer   2008-10-19 11:22
I've been able to reproduce the issue, if UltraMon is running the 'Hide VLC media player in the taskbar' option doesn't work.

This is related to the buttons added by UltraMon, disabling them for VLC will fix the problem, you can do this via UltraMon Options > Compatibility.

Testing was done on Windows XP SP3 with UltraMon 3.0.3 and VLC 0.9.4.

I'm not sure why VLC would have problems with the buttons added by UltraMon, I would recommend asking the VLC developers to look into this as well.

Christian Studer -
Joseph   2008-10-28 22:31
Thanks :)
ssbssa   2008-10-29 20:35
how are those buttons added to an application?
are they on a different window and positioned so it will always be on top of the application?
Christian Studer   2008-10-30 10:53

Christian Studer -
ssbssa   2008-10-30 19:26
this explains why it the hiding of vlc doesn't work.
vlc will only be hidden if it was on the top of all windows (not counting the ones always on top), but since your buttons are always above it, this will never happen.
you can check the code at;a=blob;f=modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.cpp;h=4665e5da2d81d8e65baa3447d8c87f27ef82b72e;hb=HEAD starting at line 927 if you've got a better idea how to check if vlc is the active window.
Christian Studer   2008-10-31 10:47
If you only need the currently active window, you could use GetForegroundWindow instead, this will return your window, not the button window.

If that doesn't work for your needs, you could also ignore any visible windows which have the WS_EX_NOACTIVATE extended style set, this is set for the UltraMon button windows.

Christian Studer -
Aqualung   2008-11-10 23:28
Okay, so do we have a resolution on this? What do we do? So far we've been given the runaround: VLC devs. sent us to UltraMon devs., and UltraMon devs send us back to VLC devs. That's not nice.
ssbssa   2008-11-11 01:21
well, nobody answered my last request at
Christian Studer   2008-11-11 11:00
Aqualung, you could disable the UltraMon buttons for VLC.

Christian Studer -
Aqualung   2008-11-11 19:45
Yes, but that comes at a price, right? When VLC ain't maximized, I find it handy to shoot it from one monitor to the other by clicking its buttons...
ssbssa   2008-11-12 00:16
could someone please try this vlc-build?: vlc
ssbssa   2008-11-12 01:21
sorry, wrong link. this is the right one.
Noah Jackson   2008-11-24 10:34

I'd just like to say the above download/install worked great. VLC now properly hides while Ultramon is open without disabling the features.
alton   2013-06-16 23:35
I really like your way of expressing the opinion and sharing the information.

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon and VLC media player

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