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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Installation without administrator privileges?
tangcla   2008-11-10 09:34
I was wondering whether it's possible to install this on a computer without administrator privileges.

The problem with this PC here is that the Program Files folder is read-only, which might be half the problem (unable to install to that location).

Would Ultramon work if I copied the folder from another PC's installation, to the new machine?
Christian Studer   2008-11-10 10:51
You'll need admin rights to install UltraMon, several components need to be installed in secure folders like Program Files, Windows and System32.

Copying an UltraMon installation folder to a different system won't work, UltraMon requires a proper installation in order to get the location of components, etc.

Christian Studer -
tangcla   2008-11-10 16:47
Would it be possible to get a list of such DLLs?
i.e. would the program still work if the DLLs were put into the Ultramon folder, and copied over?
Christian Studer   2008-11-11 10:53
This won't work, the location of components is stored in the registry during installation, and UltraMon would then no longer be able to use those components.

Christian Studer -
tangcla   2008-11-14 14:05
Darn it :(

Might need to see if I can sleep with / bribe / coerce the sysadmins at work to install it. :(
NicB   2015-08-12 16:05
Are non Admin rights version or standalone version would be ideal. Please consider.
Christian Studer   2015-08-13 15:22
Currently there are no plans for this, also wouldn't work for all features.

Why would you prefer a solution which doesn't require a regular setup?

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Installation without administrator privileges?

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