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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Wallpapers not applying at startup
Korvost   2008-11-26 05:40
I have a little problem with UltraMon, a otherwise awesome piece of software.
When i start up my computer and log in to my account my wallpapers aren't there. Just black backgrounds on both screens.
If i change the wallpaper to "None" and back again it works, but i don't want to do that every time i log on!
So, anyone's got a solution?
Christian Studer   2008-11-26 08:16
Do you have any other software installed which manages the wallpaper, for example the Nvidia nView Desktop Manager?

Christian Studer -
Korvost   2009-01-18 02:02
Yes, actually i do.
How do i disable that?
Christian Studer   2009-01-18 08:11
There should be an Nvidia option in the control panel, where you can disable the nView Desktop Manager or the wallpaper feature.

Christian Studer -
Steve Kadish   2009-01-29 01:13

I have the same problem, but I do not have any other software (that I know of) managing my wallpaper.

This actually just started recently. Up until a few days ago it never happened. The images are in my home directory on a file server, but I am logged into the server (and a drive mapped to me home dir) by the time the destkop comes up.

Any suggestions?

- Steve
Christian Studer   2009-01-29 09:20
Please try the following: go to UltraMon menu > Wallpaper > Options, then uncheck 'adjust wallpaper when display configuration changes'.

Christian Studer -
Jan-Christoph Ihrens   2009-08-30 02:09
Apart from the more substantial problem I have with UltraMon 3.0.7, I also encounter the described behavior on my machine. There is no other software managing my wallpaper (at least as far as I know), and enabling or disabling the option 'adjust wallpaper when display configuration changes' doesn't help in any way.

My monitor setup:

2 monitors
Current desktop: 2560x1024 (-1280,0 - 1280,1024)

Monitor 1 - L778 (primary):
Settings: 1280x1024, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1280,1024. Workspace: 0,28 - 1280,964
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor1

Monitor 2 - LG L1942(Digital):
Settings: 1280x1024, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -1280,0 - 0,1024. Workspace: -1280,0 - 0,994
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

My OS is Windows XP Pro SP3.

I don't know if this is important, but my primary monitor is on the right side, the secondary one on the left side. When I look at

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Jan-Christoph Ihrens\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\UltraMon Wallpaper.bmp

the wallpaper for the left monitor is on the right side and vice versa.

Is there anything else I can try to make this work?

Thank you very much in advance!


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Christian Studer   2009-08-30 07:49
When this happens, is UltraMon Wallpaper still selected as the active wallpaper under Control Panel > Display > Desktop?

Christian Studer -
Jan-Christoph Ihrens   2009-08-30 08:00
Yes, it is. Sorry, I forgot to mention this.


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Jan-Christoph Ihrens   2009-08-30 09:27
Just now I saw that when I shut down windows, just before the desktop disappears, the wallpapers I defined in UltraMon are shown. I didn't notice this before because I used the method Korvost described in his first posting to bring back the wallpapers.


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Christian Studer   2009-08-31 07:28
Looks like everything should work fine, do you have software installed which manages desktop icons or replaces the standard desktop?

Christian Studer -
Jan-Christoph Ihrens   2009-09-01 04:07
No, there's nothing I know of. I disabled XNeat, TaskSwitchXP and almost all other programs in my startup configuration, but without effect.

In my last posting I wrote that when I shut down windows, just before the desktop disappears, the wallpapers I defined in UltraMon are shown. I now successively killed the running tasks via the task manager. When I kill the Explorer, the wallpapers are shown. It seems as if the explorer doesn't take over the wallpapers defined in UltraMon. But as I said, "UltraMon Wallpaper" is still selected as the active wallpaper under Control Panel > Display > Desktop.

Is there anything I could try to make this work? Maybe regarding the timing? Should UltraMon be started as early or as late as possible?


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Christian Studer   2009-09-01 10:12
Unfortunately I don't know what else might cause this, if the UltraMon wallpaper bitmap is the active wallpaper, this should just work, even without UltraMon running.

What happens if you select a different wallpaper, then switch back to UltraMon Wallpaper?

Christian Studer -
Jan-Christoph Ihrens   2009-09-01 12:01
When I choose another Image and press "OK", still no wallpaper is shown. But the next time I open Control Panel > Display > Desktop, the entry "UltraMon Wallpaper" has vanished.

I can set a new wallpaper either by choosing "none" in the Windows dialogue, pressing "OK", opening it again and choosing an image or by doing the same in the UltraMon settings.

Thank you very much for your assistance! :)


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Christian Studer   2009-09-02 09:39
That's weird, the new wallpaper should get applied immediately, don't know what might cause this though. UltraMon Wallpaper no longer being listed is normal, that's because it's not stored in one of the standard folders for wallpapers.

Christian Studer -
Enki   2010-03-05 08:54
I have the same problem

I've tried some things and it seems that windows has a problem with bmp wallpapers when its path is too long

the error doesn't occur on profiles with less characters

an option for another location for the generated bitmap would be nice :)
Christian Studer   2010-03-05 11:08
What's the path on your system, and which version of Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Enki   2010-03-05 20:08
i'm using xp pro sp3 (german version) and the path to the wallpaper was
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\???? ?????????\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\Realtime Soft\UltraMon

changed profile location to a 4 character folder and works fine now

just have to cope with references to the old path :(
Christian Studer   2010-03-06 01:55
So far I haven't been able to reproduce this issue, I tested with an even longer path on XP, but was able to successfully select the bitmap file as the wallpaper via Display Properties > Desktop.

Unfortunately I don't have a better workaround for you, version 3 of UltraMon doesn't support changing the location of the settings folders, they're always placed under the predefined system folders.

BTW, what file system are you using for the drive with the wallpaper bitmap? I'm using NTFS on my test system.

Christian Studer -
Enki   2010-03-06 04:33
I've run some more tests and it seems that windows has a problem, when the full path to the file is longer than 127 characters (including drive, '\', file name and extension)
also tested it on another machine (both NTFS)
works with more as soon as I rename the extension to jpg
windows probably converts the file and saves it somewhere else (or something like that)
it may also be a bug that only occurs in the german XP version
who knows:)
Christian Studer   2010-03-06 09:30
Difficult to say what might cause this, for me a path/file name with a total length of 150 characters worked fine.

Regarding JPEGs: that's correct, XP converts JPEG wallpapers to BMP. You can see the location of the generated BMP file in the registry, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop, Wallpaper value.

Christian Studer -
Holger Knust   2013-11-15 11:42
I am having the same issue that the wallpaper does get loaded automatically but the BMP that is loaded is corrupt. I provided links to a screenshot of the Wallpaper dialog, the source picture and the BMP file that gets generated by UltraMon running on Win 7 (x64). After I log in, I need to open the Wallpaper Profile dialog and select my profile to fix the wallpaper.

Wallpaper Dialog

Source Image

Wallpaper Bitmap (17MB!)
Christian Studer   2013-11-15 13:43
Which version of UltraMon are you using?

Christian Studer -
Holger Knust   2013-11-18 07:17
Christian Studer   2013-11-18 12:11
UltraMon adjusts the wallpaper automatically in response to display configuration changes, maybe a display configuration change doesn't get handled or gets handled incorrectly for some reason.

Please try the following: go to UltraMon menu > Wallpaper > Options, then uncheck 'adjust wallpaper when display configuration changes'. Now check if you still have the issue after the next reboot.

Christian Studer -
Holger Knust   2013-11-18 13:31
Thank you, for the quick response. I just rebooted but it did not fix the issue. The left monitor showed the blue background, while the right monitor showed the chopped up background image.
Christian Studer   2013-11-18 14:49
Not sure how this could happen, did you fix the wallpaper before rebooting?

Something else: you mention that you have to select the wallpaper profile again to fix the issue, does this mean it is set to (None) after a reboot? That would indicate that the wallpaper gets changed by another application.

Christian Studer -
Holger Knust   2013-11-19 08:43
Thanks, that was it! Another app in Startup was changing the desktop settings. I disabled the other app and now the background loads correctly.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Wallpapers not applying at startup

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