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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon and Google Chrome
Nick   2008-12-12 07:58
I'm having a problem with the Ultamon Task Bar showing up when I've got Chrome maximized. I have the task bar auto hide itself, and when Chrome is on top, and I hover the mouse towards the bottom of the monitor, the task bar does not materialize. I'm going to go out on a limb though and say I don't think it's Ultramon, but rather a problem with Chrome because other applications work fine. BUT, it is an issue and wasn't sure if you were aware of it yet and wanted to attempt to do something about it.
Christian Studer   2008-12-13 01:55
I'm not sure what exactly causes the problem, but this would need to be fixed in Chrome. UltraMon handles autohide the same way for all applications.

Christian Studer -
Mike   2010-03-31 07:43
I'm seeing this issue with Chrome. I've seen it in other apps, I just can't remember which.

It seems like Chrome has a On-Top that is higher than the toolbars.

Is it possible to come up with some kind of super on-top mode? I ask because the on top that is provided by the system taskbar seems to work fine.

Christian Studer   2010-03-31 11:02
I'll look into this, but am not sure if there's a fix for this, I've seen the same thing happen with Chrome on the monitor with the main taskbar.

Christian Studer -
daytraderjo   2010-04-24 05:11
any update on this?
Christian Studer   2010-04-24 08:57
Not yet, haven't looked into this yet.

Christian Studer -
Bobby Freeman   2010-05-23 14:32
I am having the same problem with Chrome not showing the two UltraMon buttons at the top, if you could kindly let me know when there is a fix I would greatly appreciate it!

Christian Studer   2010-05-24 08:37
Bobby, you'll get notified via e-mail about new releases if you already have a license, otherwise you could subscribe to the multi-monitor RSS feed.

Christian Studer -
Nathan   2010-06-11 00:44
I just started using Chrome at work (where I have UltraMon installed) and noticed right away that the "Move" and "Maximize" buttons were missing from the title bar. I hope that Chris can find a solution, but I bet that it has something to do with the fact that Chrome uses the title bar for tabbed browsing.

For now, I've found a work-around: set up a keyboard shortcut for moving a window to the next monitor. It's in the UltraMon options under the "Hotkeys" tab.

As far as the smart taskbar disappearing, I'm only seeing it when I visit certain websites while using Chrome. (As I'm typing this, the taskbar is displayed, no problems.) I do not use the auto-hide option, so that might be one reason that it works more often than not.

Anyway, Cheers to Chris for a great piece of software! I hope that you can find a solution for this for the next update.

Darin   2010-10-25 06:59
Same here, Id really like to see UltraMons functionality of the expand an move buttons added to Chrome.

After bouncing back and fourth between FF 4.0 beta, IE 9, Safari and Opera for about 6 months now, I always end up using Chrome as the best browser.

Even after taking a hit by loosing the UltraMon buttons (which I miss terribly).
Sameer Wahab   2010-11-09 02:09
Yes please, need Ultramon buttons in Chrome badly!
Ramy   2011-05-27 00:10
Here,use this and ultramon;

works for me.

cory   2013-09-13 05:25
the "move" and "maximize" buttons show up if you use a "classic" background theme for your desktop rather than one of the new themes for Windows 7+. I just switched at work, since some of my AutoCAD buttons were hard to read with the 7 theme and noticed the switch fixed the button visibility.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon and Google Chrome

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