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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Monitors (Screensaver on Only One)
Steve   2009-12-26 14:31
Is this possible?

I would like to keep the secondary monitor from going dark at all when a screensaver comes on. I would like it to still show everything since it shows system information.

Right now, it looks as if I can activate the screensaver on the preferred monitor, however, the secondary monitor goes dark.

Is their a workaround for this?

Christian Studer   2009-12-27 02:52
I'm not aware of a way to do this, also not with UltraMon, but one thing you could do is disable the screen saver, then run a screen saver manually on one monitor using the UltraMon Screen Saver Player add-on.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Monitors (Screensaver on Only One)

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