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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 TVs and 1 or 2 monitors
bridger   2010-06-02 21:48
I have an office where we have 2 TV displays, one in the window of the office, the other in the waiting room. These are both HD flat screen TVs. They are connected with an HDMI cable to a computer in the back room. I would like to be able to show different AVI videos on each TV, and have a way to monitor what is playing on each TV from the back room computer, meaning one or two monitors in the back room. How could I set this up?

Christian Studer   2010-06-03 10:46
Video playback should be no problem, but you'll need a video player which supports multiple instances, so that you can play a different video on each of the two TVs.

You could use UltraMon's MirrorMon add-on to monitor what's playing on the TVs, but this may not work if you're on Windows XP or earlier and the video player uses video overlays.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 TVs and 1 or 2 monitors

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