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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors dual screen
Sean   2010-10-14 07:11
OK We need to set up two TV's in another room to display static information but be able to see the content of both TV's on a monitor with the PC.
Ex. monitor1 split to see tv 1 and 2
Can this be done?

If not,
Can the two TV's be dual with 2 monitors? ex. monitor 1&TV1 / monitor 2&TV2

If not, i see you can set wall paper on different monitors, might be easier to just edit wall paper on monitor 1 and save for TV 1 and 2.

thank you for the response

Christian Studer   2010-10-14 09:42
You could do this with UltraMon's MirrorMon add-on, but I would recommend testing if performance is sufficient for your needs.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors dual screen

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