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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi-monitor with picture in a picture mirror?
stiingya   2011-11-12 17:21
Heya, Can UltraMon mirror one of my monitors as a picture in a picture or small window on one of my other monitors? I want to play a movie on the TV (4th monitor), but also mirror a small window of it up in the right corner of my 2nd monitor while I work on the primary monitor and my Cintiq. Can it do that? :)

I have used Netflix to stream one version of the movie in windows media player hit pause and then also play the same movie with the sound off in a browser window. And then watch the one to unpause the 2nd movie so they are synced up close enough to go from one screen to the other. But it's a PITA. So I'm trying to figure out a better way to do it. Maybe there is a way to get a 2nd mirrored window of a browser window? (I thought of this cause I usually have one version of a file on the main monitor in photshop, and then a 2nd version of the same file on the wacom cintiq and go back and forth working between the two depending on what I'm doing.
Christian Studer   2011-11-13 06:12
You could do this with the MirrorMon add-on, but you should check if performance is good enough, could be a problem.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi-monitor with picture in a picture mirror?

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