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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows does not recognise the second monitor on startup
Ali   2011-12-12 19:04
This has been happening every time I turn on the computer or it wakes up from sleep mode for the last two weeks after having used dual monitors for several years with no problems. Video driver is up to date with ultramon set up.

Christian Studer   2011-12-13 07:48
Can you successfully enable the secondary monitor via Display Properties or UltraMon when this happens?

Christian Studer -
Ali   2011-12-17 03:04
Yes but it changes and swaps them around again at every start-up and after sleep. Very annoying!
Christian Studer   2011-12-17 06:58
If you're on Windows Vista see this thread for a possible fix.

Another workaround would be to set up an UltraMon display profile which gets applied at startup, you can do this via UltraMon menu > Display Profiles.

Christian Studer -
Ali   2011-12-21 22:44
I am on Windows 7 64 bit.

Before I upgraded to 64 bit from 32 bit I had no problems for years.

I have a display profile crated and starts on startup but no joy. The other screen even goes off after screen time out let alone after sleep and reboot.
Christian Studer   2011-12-22 06:53
Does the display profile successfully enable the monitor if you apply it manually after startup?

Christian Studer -
Ali   2011-12-27 19:05
Hello Christian,

It does but I have to do thus every time the screen times out, after sleep etc.
Christian Studer   2011-12-28 08:24
To automate this you would need an application which can run a program in response to an event such as resuming from standby or the screen saver, but I don't know if something like this exists.

My guess would be that this happens due to an issue with the video card driver.

Christian Studer -
Ali   2012-01-05 01:55
Thank you Christian.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows does not recognise the second monitor on startup

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