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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple DIFFERENT mirrors?
Coyt Watters   2013-01-31 04:46
Ok, have a workstation whose monitors are normally configured like this:


2 video cards, one feeding monitor [1] and the other doing [2][3]. Pretty standard and windows XP can multimon, do it every day.

But now we have a request for the following:

[1] [2][3]

But the rub is we need to clone/mirror 2 onto 4 and 3 onto 5. This is for a classroom so the students can see the images from 2 and 3 without crowding. Of course [4] and [5] are larger format monitors which can support different resolutions than [2]and[3].

We've used DVI splitters, and encountered issues with splitters failing, video glitching on the primary monitors [2][3], and EDID issues - pulling pin7 on the DVI cable helped with EDID but I'd prefer NOT to have to modify cables.

I've been looking for a way to do it (XP, but moving toward 7) in software by adding another video card to drive [4][5], even if it takes add-on software to do it.
Christian Studer   2013-01-31 08:50
One option would be to use a total of 3 video cards, with 2 and 4 connected to one dual card and 3 and 5 to the other. Then set both video cards to use clone mode.

If the system doesn't have 3 x16 PCIe slots you could get an x1 video card such as the Nvidia Quadro NVS 300 as the 3rd video card.

A possible software solution would be the MirrorMon add-on for UltraMon, but you should test if performance is sufficient for your needs. MirrorMon can be configured via command line arguments so you could launch both instances from a single batch file or script.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple DIFFERENT mirrors?

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