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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Clone maximized single application only when opened
Christian   2013-07-08 15:27
Hello there,

I plan a powerpoint presenation, I never have to leave. I have a Pc Monitor and a beamer both via hdmi. Now the presentation runs in the presentation mode (the one with the notes and next slide preview)on the pc monitor and in viewer mode on the beamer. During the presentation I can start a .exe file, which is already prepared so it runs in fullscreen on the beamer.

Is it possible to only mirror the .exe application back to pc monitor while on runtime? I need to navigate this application without turning myself to the beamer, but i also need to have the rest of the presentation set up like i described it.

Thanks for your help in advance
Christian Studer   2013-07-09 13:41
You should be able to do this with UltraMon's MirrorMon add-on, let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Clone maximized single application only when opened

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