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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Back to back monitors
Rick Picaso   2015-01-16 06:49
I have three monitors setup on a POS parts counter, two facing my clerk and the third behind those two, facing the customers. Is there a way to have maybe a small window on the clerks' side to allow him to position, Maximize/Minimize what is showing on the third monitor without having to walk around the counter? Will Ultramon do this?

Rick P.
Christian Studer   2015-01-16 12:49
You could do this with the MirrorMon add-on for UltraMon, let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

Christian Studer -
Rick Picaso   2015-01-16 13:13
Excellent! Just what I was looking for, Christian. It would be great if my salesmen could actually manipulate things on monitor 3 from the mirrormon window on monitor 2, but this will work just fine once they get the hang of it. Thank you very much.
Christian Studer   2015-01-16 13:48
Unfortunately that's not supported, but moving the mouse via hotkey to the third monitor might help, you could do this with one of the Move Mouse hotkeys from UltraMon Options > Hotkeys, or with the MoveMouse script.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Back to back monitors

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