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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mirror only part of the first monitor to second monitor
Ian   2020-10-20 09:09

I have two monitors and would like to mirror only one program from the first monitor to the second. all other apps on first monitor need to stay on this monitor only. Is this possible

Christian Studer   2020-10-21 02:32
UltraMon can do this, but you should test if this works with your specific application.

Christian Studer -
Ian   2020-10-21 02:52
thank you. did this but only got results with office applications and I need to mirror google chrome

Christian Studer   2020-10-21 15:01
Which version of Chrome and Windows are you using?

For me this works fine with Chrome 86.0.4240.111 on Windows 10 version 2004.

One thing I noticed is that the Chrome title bar flickers on the source monitor when mirroring, this doesn't happen when using MirrorMon instead of the regular UltraMon mirroring feature.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mirror only part of the first monitor to second monitor

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