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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> strange windows
Cal   2003-12-17 04:58
i used to be able to use ultramon without any problems but since my reinstall of xp everytime i boot up i get a couple of extra little windows with no information on them which show up on the ultramon task bar on monitor 2. one says DDE server and uses an AOL instant messenger icon, the other has no name and i can't resize it and I can't always close it. Theres also a button on the taskbar for the windvd manager.

These buttons do not appear if i start everything up manually but do appear if they all start automatically.

I've tried the newest version of ultramon and also the older version i was using before my install and the problem lingers. I'm not sure what to do can anyone help?
Christian Studer   2003-12-17 09:11
This is a compatibility issue with recent versions of the nView Desktop Manager and UltraMon.

As a workaround, you can either disable the nView Desktop Manager, or make sure UltraMon gets started after the nView Desktop Manager.

See this thread for more on this issue and the workarounds.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> strange windows

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