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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Language FRECNH?
Julien   2004-05-27 04:34
I search language french ?
Christian Studer   2004-05-27 06:52
UltraMon is only available in English, German and Japanese, currently no additional translations are planned.

Christian Studer -
Julien   2004-05-28 06:11
I know but I would like to know if the developers of the software cannot make him(it) in French
Christian Studer   2004-05-28 06:26
It would certainly be possible, but at the moment I have no plans for a French version.

Christian Studer -
Porecreat   2004-08-03 00:21
If possible, it would be a pleasure for me to translate UltraMon into French....but I's an utopia....;-(
Christian Studer   2004-08-03 07:17
Thanks for your offer, please send me a mail to if you would like to get contacted in case I decide to release a French version.

Christian Studer -
Josh   2004-09-07 16:06
Hey Christian, jsut wondering but doesn't ultramon actually have a rather small amount of text that needs translation?

Unless I'm missing some massive options windows most things in here are fairly straight forward and don't come with a lot of text.

I'd be willing to translate it into a french version if you're ever doing it. So long as I'm not missing some big huge portion that wouyld take days to do. :)

I'll send ya an e-mail.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Language FRECNH?

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