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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> function keys
wcox   2005-10-28 09:15
With ultrmon i have it set so I hit a function key and the info on the monitor 1 flips over to monitor 2. Is there anyway that I can do that and also at times hit a fucntion key and have it switch to mirror monitor 1?
Christian Studer   2005-10-28 10:22
That's possible, but needs to be set up manually.

To do this, create a new 'Run application or script' hotkey, then enter the following in the application field:

"C:\Program Files\UltraMon\UMMirrorClient.exe" /start

You may need to adjust this for your system, depending on where UltraMon is installed.

To create a hotkey to stop mirroring, add a second 'Run application or script' hotkey, and enter the following in the application field:

"C:\Program Files\UltraMon\UMMirrorClient.exe" /stop

Christian Studer -
wcox   2005-10-29 02:18
I have done that now. And when I it the function key i get a window up that says
"Failed to setup mirror target monitors. Restarting your system should fix the problem"

But it doesn;t
wcox   2005-10-29 02:37
opps, nevermind, got it working, thanks for the help
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> function keys

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