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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mirroring with different screen resolutions
Peter O'Reilly   2007-12-28 07:16
I want to set up two monitors (one 17in, the other 24in) to mirror the same image, for use in presentations to customers.
Because the two screens have different resolutions, a VGA splitter box will not work.
What is the best (and cheapest!) way of doing this?

Christian Studer   2007-12-29 09:19
You could do this with UltraMon, but performance won't be as good as with a hardware solution, and if the monitors are using different aspect ratios you'll get a distorted mirror image.

Please note that the mirroring feature is not yet available on Vista.

Christian Studer -
Peter O'Reilly   2007-12-30 05:04
Thanks, Christian.
Can you suggest a hardware alternative? I've looked at the Maxtor dual head cards, but they only have 32MB, and I suspect this might not be enough for 1920x1200 on the 24in screen.
I have an ATI Radeon card with DVI & D-Sub outlets - can that be used to drive two monitors with different outlets, or can I use the ATI card in addition to the computer's on-board graphics, with one driving each monitor?

Peter O'Reilly   2007-12-30 06:33
Sorry - that should be MATROX dual head cards in my previous post!

Christian Studer   2007-12-30 09:54
I'm not aware of a hardware mirroring solution which supports different resolutions.

Christian Studer -
hum   2008-01-02 04:51
When will ultramon support mirroring in Windows Vista.
Christian Studer   2008-01-02 08:47
Support for mirroring under Vista is planned for Beta 3.

You could give MirrorMon a try, but I haven't tested it myself on Vista.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mirroring with different screen resolutions

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