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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> disable Smart Taskbar on one monitor
CauseMan!!!   2008-01-16 20:58
I want to beable to disable the Smart Taskbar on one monitor. i have 4 monitors on my system and i want to add a 5th, it will be a 42" lcd mounted over my other 4 and i don't want a taskbar on that montior it will be for video editting and such.

Christian Studer   2008-01-17 10:13
This is supported, but currently can only be configured in the registry.

To set this up, run regedit.exe and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>\Smart Taskbar\Taskbars and set the Disabled setting for one of the taskbars to 1.

Take a look at the Dock Monitor value of the taskbar entry to see on which monitor the taskbar is.

Christian Studer -
CauseMan!!!   2008-01-21 12:31
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> disable Smart Taskbar on one monitor

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