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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Is it possible to have Smart Taskbar only on some monitors?
Mark Anderson   2008-02-06 07:22
I'd like to have taskbars on monitors 1 and 3, but not 2, where the taskbar icons for programs running on 1 and 3 would appear only on their own taskbars, and the taskbar icons for programs running on 2 would appear on 1's taskbar.

Am I being too greedy?
Mark Anderson   2008-02-06 08:51
I think I see what might be the problem. On this page: shows that by right-clicking the Smart Taskbar you're supposed to get a menu with options for "Show Tasks from..." and "Add Taskbar for...", and I'm not seeing that on my computer. Did the latest beta lose this feature, or am I missing something?
Christian Studer   2008-02-06 11:14
This is supported, but currently needs to be configured directly in the registry, see this thread for details.

Christian Studer -
Mark Anderson   2008-02-07 05:18
Thanks, much appreciated.
Layne   2009-08-06 13:11
Because editing the registry is so much easier than right clicking a menu option?

Why was this removed? I have been going nuts trying to figure out how I used to have it turned off for specific monitors.

Especially after I found the page on your site with the OPTION STILL shown! (might want to update the graphics on that page?)

At least the option is still there!
Christian Studer   2009-08-06 22:13
You can disable taskbars under UltraMon Options > Smart Taskbar > More options, the option was added in 3.0.4.

Christian Studer -
Layne   2009-08-07 14:08
Awesome! Thanks! Such a great piece of software.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Is it possible to have Smart Taskbar only on some monitors?

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