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Triton 2008-12-01 09:26
Ive been having a few minor problems with ultramon and i was curious to know if they are just facts with the application or actual issues i can fix. first and foremost using the milkdrop visualization with mediamonkey it will NOT open on my second monitor at all, even if i move the windowed box to the second monitor and make it go fullscreen it jumps back to the primary monitor. second is there a way to make youtube videos and other streaming videos stay fullscreen on one monitor while doing things on the other monitor? any time i click the mouse or anything it jumps back to normal. lastly is there a way to run a screensaver on only one monitor and not blank the other one? thank you in advanced for any help!
Christian Studer 2008-12-02 08:42
These are application issues, UltraMon can't help with that. For example Windows Media Player works fine on secondary monitors, and will stay in fullscreen mode even if you work with another application.
Running a screen saver only on a single monitor is not supported directly, what you could do is run a screen saver manually on a specific monitor with the UltraMon Screen Saver Player add-on. Please note that not all screen savers may work with the screen saver player.
Christian Studer -
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