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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> No screen saver on one monitor?
Lance   2009-03-25 07:28
Is their a way to activate the screen saver on all monitors but 1.

I use a 4 monitor setup and I need one screen to stay on at all times.
Christian Studer   2009-03-25 09:24
That's not supported directly, what you could do is run screen savers manually on the 3 monitors using the UltraMon Screen Saver Player. Please note that not all screen savers may work with the screen saver player.

Christian Studer -
Stuart   2009-03-30 19:09
When you say "run screensavers mannually". Do you mean that with the Sveensaver addon when you want the screensaver to come on you have to mannually double click on an icon that you've create on your desktop? ... and you can't make them come on automatically after a specific period of time.

I'm also trying to do something similar. Run a media PC, which is attached to the TV and a monitor. I may just be being a bit slow but so far my options appear to be either
1) no screensaver
2) a TV screen that blacks out 10 minutes into watching a film when the screensaver on my monitor kicks in

Neither option really works.

What I'm trying to achieve is a screensaver that appears on the primary display (my monitor) but not my secondary display (the TV)

Or can I set-up soemthing to fire the ScrPlayer.exe after 10 minutes of inactivity, and hence achieve my objective?

Christian Studer   2009-03-31 10:21
That is correct. I just tried if you could set ScrPlayer.exe as the screen saver, but this doesn't seem to work, at least not on Vista, the screen saver player never got started.

I'm not aware of another built-in way to launch a specific application if the system is inactive.

Christian Studer -
Stuart   2009-03-31 20:42
Last night I started to experiment with the ScreenPlayer.exe

I started to play with scheduled task to run a commnad line, but only gave it 15 minutes of messing around. I've never used them before, so I've got a bit of a learning curve. I did manage to set up a task that lanched a screensaver on only one monitor and din't blank the other screen ... which is progress but not ideal.

What I didn't manage to do was create a trigger that worked using the "on system idle X minutes", meaing the task would fire after a certain period of inactivity and hence work like a screen saver should.

I've also found a shareware app that appears to launch an application after a certain amount of idle time.

I haven't played around with the app yet, so

I don't know too much about running tasks through command line, and how you can set them up and automate them, so it's going to be a bit trial and error, and a fair bit of googling.

I will let you know how I get on and if I find a solution I'll post it.
Stuart Kirkup   2009-04-01 08:43
OK I have a solution

1) Download and install IdleMute


2) Download ScrPlayer.exe from the Ultramon website


3) Open notepad and create two seperate file

File 1 (ScreenSaver_ON.cmd)

@echo off
"c:\Program Files\UltraMon\ScrPlayer.exe" "C:\windows\system32\PhotoScreensaver.scr" 1

(this runs the runs the photo screensaver on monitor 1)

File 2 (ScreenSaver_OFF.cmd)

echo off
For /F "tokens=2" %%n in ('tasklist ^| Find "ScrPlayer.exe"') Do Set Task=%%n
TaskKill /PID %task%

(this switches the screensaver off when you move your mouse)

4) Right mouse click on the IdleMute icon in the system tray and choose "settings".

a) On the "timers" tab change the idle time, which control how long before the screensaver launches

b) On the "programs" tab browse to the files you've just created with the "ON" file in the muting section and the "OFF" file in the unmuting section

The only thing I'm not happy with is that the command prompt dos window is displayed briefly when the screensaver switches off, but it's only a minor cosmetic thing ... and is far outweighed by the fact that my wife is now happy that we can see all of the family photos on the PC monitor again

Any suggestions as to how you can improve this and stop the command prompt window flashing up would be appreciated.

Hope this is useful
Stuart Kirkup   2009-05-09 09:15
OK I've ammended the batch file that launches the screen saver, because it was launching multiple instances. Not the end of the word but not wife and child firendly because you have to alt + F4 to close the multiple screensaver instances.

To prevent this and make the screen saver work like a regular one, the Screensaver_ON.cmd file should be ammended to this:

@echo off
For /F "tokens=2" %%n in ('tasklist ^| Find "ScrPlayer.exe"') Do Set Task=%%n

if /I "%Task%"=="" goto :EXEC
if /I "%Task%"<>"" goto :EXIT

"c:\Program Files\UltraMon\ScrPlayer.exe" "C:\windows\system32\PhotoScreensaver.scr" 1

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> No screen saver on one monitor?

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