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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia drivers for my 2gts/2mx400 keep killing XP!HELP!!!
akalai   2002-02-26 16:19
Hi there, I desperatly need help as the risk of going completely insane is not too distant!

I'm located down here in Australia and havent been able to get any help from people here, I have gone through your website and thought I had the solution to my problem several times....ahh the ole swap the boot bios from AGP to PCI etc....or restraining myself from using the latest leaked drivers in preference for the offical released drivers.....ahhhhh No joy.

Ok so here is my system so you know what I am dealing with;

AMD 1.3Mhz with ASUS A7V133 motherboard
King Max 256Mb 150speed memory simms X 2
Primary Video card in that its AGP is;
Powercolor Geforce 2GTS 64 Mb
Secondary card is PCI:
Aopen Geforce 2 MX400 64 Mb

OK, so I can run XP fine with a single card, that is either card will work fine by itself, running under XP Proffesional and using Nvidia 27.42 or earlier versions, this includes the manufactures specific drivers which range from 21.81 to 21.85. I have also experimented with 23.11 again all these drivers work fine with a single card. SO both cards work by themselves OK, there's no faulty card.

However when I try to get both working it all begins to go wrong. So the 2GTS AGP card is being used as the primary with say the 27.42 driver installed (I have also tried it with all other drivers previously mentioned with the same result), all is well, I install the 2MX400 PCI card and reboot, XP finds the card in its plug and play mode and automatically installs the generic Microsoft driver for MX200/400. I then am able to enable the second monitor and spread the worktop over to the second monitor through the display manager/control panel, all would seem good except that when I then try to upgrade the driver on the PCI card to the same one as that of the primary card (AGP) XP will die on me.

The driver wizard will report that there was an error with the installation and that it has been forced to close, this then leeds to a restart where I am told after reboot (just prior to the initial XP loading screen, you know the Night Rider rip off screen) that c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM is corrupt, missing, or not formatted correctly. This only occurs after an attempt to install a new driver on the second card. This is where drivers are installed are they not? And the file is in fact corrupted and requires a new installation.

Sometimes it seems to have installed and I have then been able to set the PCI card as the primary boot in bios only to then get the same message as above. I have also just tried leaving the AGP card as primary boot card in bios, no joy there either.

I have tried so many different things that my brain is numb with all the possible combinations of setup, I ve reached a point where
I have now installed XP so many times that I know the encyption key, all 25 characters, off by heart, SAD BUT TRUE! And I am certain that there is probably some really obvious mistake I am making but not having anyone to bounce this off I have been unable to see it.

Before anyone jumps in and says why dont you just leave the Microsoft driver as is for the second monitor....I need Open GL support for the primary software I use which is 3d Modelling software, and I cannot get the same screen resolutions that I prefer to use on the second display using the generic Microsoft driver.

Also when the two cards have been installed I have checked to see if there were any irq sharing/conflict hassles, none.


Any step by step advice will be GREATLY appreciated, Ok well hope someone can help me to maintain my sanity. Cheers, also feel free to send any emails, AKALAI!
akalai   2002-02-26 16:34
Just checked my BIOS incase its some weird chip conflict;

I have Award Medallion Bios v6.0
Asus A7V133 ACIP Bios Revision 1004

Do you think flashing the bios with the newest update is worth trying just at the moment????
Jeremy   2002-02-27 10:19
27.46??? Where'd you get that? The latest i heard of was 27.20. Where do I get these new drivers?
Jeremy   2002-02-27 10:19
i mean... 27.42...
akalai   2002-02-27 12:59
Hey Jeremy....just use Google to do a search, type Nvidia 27.42 and you should be able to find a site with it on....mine was downloaded of a german web site, no sorry I cant remember the name or address.

Got any solutions for my problem????
y-dawg   2002-03-08 10:40
via 4-in-1 drivers

also i dont know the registry setting off the top of my head, but download nvmax (tweaking utility for nvidia based cards, it has a setting to enable the athlon/windows 2000 fix, i believe they call it, if you're using xp, im not sure if it helps at all, but doesnt hurt to try at this point).

also have you tried swapping the pci card in different slots (and what slot have you been trying it in?) cuz sometimes resources are shared, and things just dont play nicely. id also recommend taking all other cards off the bus. eliminate as many variables as possible.

im sure im missing some other minor things to try, but hopefully that is at least a start, or maybe will trigger something else. good luck mate
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia drivers for my 2gts/2mx400 keep killing XP!HELP!!!

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