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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon 2.6 annoying message at startup
Pablo   2005-10-15 17:19

I use MaxiVista, and I'm currently evaluating the UltraMon application. It works great, but when I startup with the option of "Auto start when windows start", I get an annoying message box with the MultiMon title, that tells me that my system has no multi monitor support.

Is there any way to remove/fix this?... I would definitely buy if the answer is yes.

Thank you in advance

Christian Studer   2005-10-15 23:28
You should only get this message once, the first time UltraMon runs after installation.

If you get it each time the system starts, most likely UltraMon can't save settings to its registry key.

To fix this, run regedit.exe, right-click the key 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon' and select Permissions from the menu, then make sure that your user account has Full Control over the key.

Christian Studer -
Pablo   2005-10-16 00:15

Thank you for the fast reply. I have checked the permissions and they are all OK, and all the Registry Keys are there.

Actually if I close UltraMon an run it again I don't get the message, but if I restart the computer, the message shows again.

Any other posibility?

Christian Studer   2005-10-16 08:09
Do you also get the Welcome to UltraMon message after every restart?

Christian Studer -
Pablo   2005-10-16 15:16
No. I only get the "Your system has no multiple-monitor support" message.

Thank you,

Christian Studer   2005-10-16 22:37
Looks like this message isn't coming from UltraMon.

If UltraMon only detects a single monitor, you would get the following message:

Potential compatibility issues have been detected:

- only a single monitor detected

See Help > Compatibility for more information.

If you have a screenshot of the message dialog, you can mail it to or post a link to it here.

Christian Studer -
Pablo   2005-10-17 16:11

I just reinstalled and the message stop showing. I just bought the software. Thank you for a great tool and great support.

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon 2.6 annoying message at startup

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