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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move window button fails intermittently
Ray   2006-04-05 21:47
I'm evaluating UltraMon for a client, and it seems to be very useful. But, occassionally, I experience the Move Window button not work. It occurs with Word windows when there are 2 open. When a window won't switch, clicking the span desktop button twice 'resets' it, and the switch window button then works.

I use a Dell Latitude D810; Win XPsp2, Word 2003 latest. Here's my config:

(By the way, why does last line say Monitor3?)

2 monitors
Current desktop: 2960x1050 (-1280,0 - 1680,1050) Monitor 1 - Default Monitor (primary):
Settings: 1680x1050, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1680,1050. Workspace: 0,0 - 1450,1050 Video card: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor1
Monitor 2 - Default Monitor (removable):
Settings: 1280x1024, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -1280,0 - 0,1024. Workspace: -1280,0 - 0,991 Video card: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor3

Ray Randolph
Effective Systems
Christian Studer   2006-04-06 00:46
Thanks for the bug report, I've been able to reproduce this issue. Will be fixed in the next release if possible.

Seems to happen if both documents are maximized and on the same monitor, and you first move one document to the other monitor, then the other. When trying to move the second document, the window button no longer works.

Device is the internal name for the device and won't necessarily use the same numbering as is used by UltraMon and Windows.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move window button fails intermittently

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