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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Window buttons don't display in Office 2007 (b2)
Richard   2006-06-13 10:44
The window bar buttons don't display in Office 2007 beta 2 on Windows XP (32-bit) when the application has the focus. When the application does not have the focus, the buttons are visible, but not usable, as attempting to click on a button causes the window to gain the focus and therefore causes the buttons to disappear again. (D'oh).

These applications have a new window "chrome" that seems to override the standard XP one (actually it's entirely different) which is clearly playing havoc here.
Christian Studer   2006-06-14 08:23
Thanks for the bug report, I'm going to look into this for the next release.

Christian Studer -
Rich B.   2007-01-09 15:42
Any update on this? I just purchased a new system with Office '07 and the buttons are really standing out!

Christian Studer   2007-01-10 11:35
2.7.1 will work fine with Office 2007, but the buttons won't match the Office look.

One exception: buttons won't work with Outlook 2007 mail windows, I'm going to look into this for the next release.

Christian Studer -
Ron Lockhart   2007-01-15 01:57
Interestingly enough, if you right click on the message button in the taskbar and choose "move to other monitor", it works fine.

Ron Lockhart
Scott Mills   2007-10-01 05:09
The two Ultramon buttons (2.7.1) do not function at all using Office 2007 versions of Word and Excel. They do function in Outlook. With word, both buttons just start flashing once clicked in a non-maximized window. No action when Maximized.

Christian Studer   2007-10-01 08:33
Are you using the classic visual style? If yes, you could change to the Windows XP visual style under Display Properties > Appearance as a workaround.

3.0 Beta 2 will have full support for the buttons with Office 2007.

Christian Studer -
Grant Fisher   2007-10-15 16:46
Hi Christian,

We have just completed an Office 2007 rollout to 500 machines 60 of which have Ultramon. We are currently using 2.7.1. I have trialed v3 Beta 1 but still does not work properly with Office 2007. OK in main windows but messages in Outlook does not work at all. I see you have a Beta 2 version that will work with Office 2007.

1) Do we have to pay an upgrade for our 2.x licenses
2) When would you be expecting a non-beta release


Grant Fisher
IT Project Manager
Racing and Wagering Western Australia

Grant Fisher
IT Project Manager
Racing and Wagering Western Australia
Christian Studer   2007-10-16 09:48
1) Depends on when the licenses were purchased. All licenses purchased after March 30, 2007 or within one year of the release of 3.0 final will get a free upgrade.

2) 3.0 final should be ready some time next year.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Window buttons don't display in Office 2007 (b2)

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