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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Winamp on wrong taskbar
Martin Jessen   2006-06-15 06:01
I know there have been complaints about this, and everyone seems to not have this problem anymore. I've updated my winamp and ultramon to the latest versions and I still see winamp on the primary monitor's taskbar.

Winamp 5.23

The only way I can possibly have Winamp on the second taskbar is if I mess around in Winamp's options:
- General Preferences -> untick/tick Show Winamp in: Taskbar.
- General Preferences -> untick/tick Scroll title in the Windows taskbar

Ultimately I want Winamp to scroll the title on the second taskbar. Let me know if this is a Winamp coding problem or something solvable through Ultramon.
Christian Studer   2006-06-15 08:45
Unfortunately I can't reproduce this issue, works fine for me with UltraMon 2.6 and Winamp 5.23 on Windows XP SP2.

I tested with default settings after installation, and additionally had the scroll title option enabled.

Defaults for me were the default modern skin with the main window, the playlist and the media library windows open.

If you are using a different skin, or otherwise different configuration, let me know and I'll look into it.

Christian Studer -
Martin Jessen   2006-06-15 13:36
I'm also using the default modern skin, but I'm using the window shade mode of the main window and the window shade mode of the playlist at all times (and media library open sometimes when needed, but mostly off)

The only third party plugins I have are milkdrop visualization, and AMIP (a plugin for showing now playing in irc).

Other things interacting with winamp: Firefox's foxytunes extension (but I can say for a fact that this behaviour has been happening even before I installed foxytunes. In fact, since day 1 of my installation of Ultramon)

If you want me to, I can attempt a clean install of Winamp from scratch. But, I'd rather not. Let me know if there is more detail required.
Christian Studer   2006-06-16 07:53
Is that Options > Winamp Modern > Main Windowshade Mode?

I had set that option to 'Link Position and Width' for all windows.

Christian Studer -
Martin Jessen   2006-06-17 08:27
Windowshade mode turns winamp into a little bar with all of its control functionality and minimal space on the desktop. I have this done for both the winamp window and the playlist window.

I have my monitors setup so that I access them from the corners of each screen. IE:

Also, other things you might want to know about my setup:
-Always on top: yes (winamp setting)
-I have foxytunes extension on firefox interacting with winamp
-Winamp starts up in secondary monitor (I don't know if this matters)
Christian Studer   2006-06-17 09:03
It's the monitor configuration, if the monitors are positioned vertically, the task button for Winamp is always on the monitor which is on top.

I'll look into this for the next release, will be fixed if possible.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Winamp on wrong taskbar

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