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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> To Andrew and anyone Else who has an ATI X300 PCIE type card running in a multicard-config on a Nforce4 SLI mobo....
Paul   2006-07-24 06:58
I have exaclty the config mentioned above:

1x GigaByte K8N-SLI (non-pro/non-ultra) Mobo
1x ATI X800XT PCIE card (primary)
1x ATI X300 PCIE (non-SE) card (sec.)

Bottom line:
It just wont work, whatever i try. Wont work means that the X800XT always gets 16 PCIE lanes regardless of setup. BIOS Post device list always shows only one device (the X800XT, checked that). And finally windows doesnt recognize the X300 at all (not even devices w/ quiestion marks). Both Everest and Sandra report only one PCIE card (guess what, the X800XT). Ah, yes, screen always stays non-active on sec card.(dunno, might be normal)
Nothing indicates the X300 is recognized by any layer of my System (neither BIOS nor Windows).
A driver problem should not influence the BIOS and two cards SHOULD pop-up in the BIOS POST dev. listing, right?

So, for the things i tried:

1) My mobo man mentions the SLI module, which i changed to SLI setting -> sec X300 wont work.
2) Tried the only gfx-specific option in my BIOS i could find (Init Display first allows PEG1 and PEG2 settings) - tried both PEG1 and PEG2 first. Doesnt work either.
3) Reset SLI Module to Normal, tried 2) and no avail.

Things i discovered in the process:
1) The X300 aint faulty (works as prim in normal mode)

2) The X300 wont work in SLI mode setting, regardless of Slot - whereas the X800XT runs like a charm, even in sec slot with SLI on.

Is it possible that the x300 doesnt support PCIE 8x connections (SLI enables drives both ports with x8, X800XT seems not to have a problem with that - but note that even in SLI, X800XT as only card always displays PCIE x16 in Everest and Sandra).

So, this would be important for me to know:

1) Did Any1 get a config with X300 Secondary cards to work (with both cards being PCIE on a SLI-Enabled mobo). Maybe even some1 with my Mobo? (sadly its kinda rare, great board btw.)

2) Does anyone know who the culprit might be?
My ideas:
- The mobo
- The mobo Chipset
- The X300 Card
- The combination of 2 ATI PCIE cards
- The combination of 1 ATI X300 w/ another ATI card?

So, thank you first for reading through this pile o' post and also for all feedback you can give (especially andrew maybe?!?)


Paul   2006-07-30 03:39
Any1 got some hint or smth for me?
Paul   2006-08-08 07:41
Is there anyone who can help a desperate Soul?
Freakish_05   2006-08-10 09:15
I've got an X800XT and have an X300SE coming tomorrow with a hyundai B71A. Will let you know how I get on!

paul   2006-08-14 02:11
So how did you fare with your x300se?
I really think this issue arises with my x300 card, as my main card (like i indicated in my post) doesnt seem to have any problems with dual PCIE gfx at all.


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> To Andrew and anyone Else who has an ATI X300 PCIE type card running in a multicard-config on a Nforce4 SLI mobo....

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