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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Xceed docking Windows
JanDS   2007-12-19 16:56
I have installed ultramon 3 beta 2.

I also us a library from Xceed docking windows to write software. After installing beta 2 suddenly the docking windows logic isn't working anymore.
Whe closing ultramon the docking hints are back.
JanDS   2007-12-20 01:20
If i use compatibility options and disable the windows buttons for that application, the docking window hints (like in VS2005) are back.

What could cause the problem ?
Christian Studer   2007-12-20 09:54
The buttons are implemented in a separate window placed on top of the application window, looks like the library has a problem with that.

Could you send me an application which uses the library for testing? E-mail address is

Christian Studer -
JanDS   2008-01-09 02:24
The code has been send.
Christian Studer   2008-01-09 10:17
Thanks for the sample application, I've been able to reproduce the issue. Will look into this for the next release.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Xceed docking Windows

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