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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> trying to set up ultramon to work with my tv and monitor
Simon   2014-01-05 07:22
I would like to get ultramon to make my monitor screensaver to go black and my tv not to have anything happen. Is there a way to have ultramon do this?
Christian Studer   2014-01-05 10:02
That's not supported directly, but you could do this with the ScreenSaveSelective script. Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

If you don't need the monitor when you're using the TV you could also use a display profile to switch to a TV-only configuration.

Christian Studer -
Simon   2014-01-06 06:24
I understand what you are saying but I've got the TV set up as my 2nd monitor so the fact that it's a TV doesn't make a difference, it's basically a monitor. When I read your FAQ it said the monitors will default to black and then the screensaver goes over it. What I'm looking to do is have the screensaver only go on the primary monitor and leave the secondary monitor untouched.
Thank you very much for responding so fast.
Christian Studer   2014-01-06 13:59
The ScreenSaveSelective script should do what you want.

Christian Studer -
Simon   2014-01-06 13:59
I have a better opportunity to tell you now what exactly's going on. I have a windows 8.1 computer setup with a dual monitor between a 40" tv above my 27" monitor. I'd like to be able to watch my tv & have my monitor go black. Basically all i've been able to get ultramon to do is either disable my secondary monitor (tv) or have windows ignore but keep tv on.

So if I haven't been clear before what I would like is to be able to watch my tv (secondary monitor) & after a minute have my monitor (primary monitor) blank out black.
Christian Studer   2014-01-06 14:04
The script I mentioned earlier will work, but you could also set up two display profiles, one with both the monitor and TV enabled, and the second with only the TV enabled, this way you could quickly switch between the two configurations.

Christian Studer -
Simon   2014-01-12 09:56
In your script file it said to specify the ultramon scrplayer but that file doesn't exist (lately it just doesn't anymore because another file took over)
Christian Studer   2014-01-12 14:13
You can download the UltraMon Screen Saver Player add-on here.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> trying to set up ultramon to work with my tv and monitor

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